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Daily Bible Study |
The Plan of God |
(PART 4) |
Notice to Parents: The information contained in the following study reveals what happened to the dinosaurs and other living creatures of prehistoric times. However, please be advised that this knowledge comes directly from the Creator of the Universe who is NOT recognized as an authoritative source by the government-run public school systems in the United States ever since the wisdom of our Founding Fathers was replaced by the folly of our Floundering Fathers. |
At least everybody acknowledges that there was a time long ago when Dinosaurs once roamed this earth. Science calls that age of long ago "prehistoric times" while the Bible calls that age "the world that then was" (2 Pet. 3:6). Also, there is one other obvious fact that everyone agrees with, and that is there are NO MORE dinosaurs! They are ALL gone, extinct! A person would do well to take some time and perform a search on "dinosaurs" on the internet and discover all of the many theories man has devised about "how" and "why" they all became extinct. |
The majority consensus is that the demise of the dinosaurs was quick and sudden and although some of man's theories as to "how" that sudden destruction took place, such as a comet or a large meteor or an asteroid striking the earth, are plausible and perhaps even likely, without the Word of God man will NEVER be able to determine "why" it happened. He can only guess. We don't have to. The Word of God tells us "why" they perished. |
Let's recap what we have learned so far in the first three studies: |
This is Before GEN. 1:1 |
1.) Wisdom was with God before He ever had sons and before He ever created the heaven and earth. (Prov. 8:23-25) |
2.) God created all souls, including you and me, because His desire was to have sons, i.e. children. (Prov. 8:31) His sons were NOT created in flesh bodies but rather in what we will call angelic bodies, just like His son Lucifer who he anointed to be one of the prestigious "morning stars", which is what his name means. |
This is GEN. 1:1 |
3.) God then created the heaven and the earth to be inhabited by His sons (Isa. 45:18, Gen. 1:1) and they all shouted for joy when He finished it. (Job 38:7) This is the "world that then was" which science calls the prehistoric age of long, long ago, the age of the great dinosaurs. His sons/we did begin inhabiting the earth, which again is the reason our Father made it for us. We will soon document from the Word that there were cities and birds, etc., but remember, the sons of God were not made out flesh and blood, which is why human bones and remains are NOT found along with those of the dinosaurs. Now you know why. |
After GEN. 1:1 and Before GEN 1:2 |
4.) Everything was perfect and harmonious in those prehistoric times, in that world that then was, until the very great and high-ranking Lucifer "sinned" greatly (Ezek. 28:16) by drawing 1/3 of the sons of God away from Him (Rev. 12:4) and caused them to be cast down, i.e. to fall away from their Father. |
5.) God then judged Lucifer [Satan] for his evil deeds and sentenced him, without appeal or provision for repentance, to die, to perish, to be no more (Ezek. 28:18). This will happen in the lake of fire (Rev. 20:10) at the end of the Millennium. |
So you ask again, "where is flesh man in all of this?" The answer again is: "There is no flesh man yet. God's children still have bodies which are not made out of flesh and blood". But there is a big, big problem! That problem is that fully 1/3 of God's family has fallen away and followed after Satan and his One World Order, the structure of which you can read about in Rev. 12:3. (The political and religious system Satan had back then is almost identical to the New World Order found in Rev. 13:1 that he will have when he is soon cast out of heaven to this earth in Rev. 12:7-9.) |
What should our Father do about those who followed Satan? He is not too happy, to put it mildly. Actually, we will read He is quite angry. |
Well, He could bring everyone into accountability and judge them also, but too many of His children would end up with the same death sentence as their leader Lucifer. That is a very unpleasant thought for any loving parent to think about. Fortunately, in His infinite wisdom which He possessed from before the beginning of "the world that then was", He had a loving and ingenious plan to "save" as many of His sons as possible from the sentence of death already imposed on Satan. |
So instead, God postponed everyone else's judgment after He judged Satan, and He overthrew him and his New World Order and He COMPLETELY DESTROYED the "world that then was", the prehistoric age, and the earth became a complete and utterly dark and desolate wasteland, and the water canopy that surrounded the earth was brought down and now covered the entire earth's surface. |
We have now come to the second verse in the Bible. The prehistoric age of Gen. 1:1 is over and the earth has now become a desolation. |
Genesis 1:2 And the earth became without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. |
So the entire earth became in the Hebrew tongue, "tohu va bohu", translated "without form" [tohu] and "void" [bohu] in the King James Bible. Here are their definitions from Strong's: |
tohuw, to'-hoo, Hebrew 8414; from an unused root meaning to lie waste; a desolation (of surface), i.e. desert; figurative a worthless thing; adverbial in vain :- confusion, empty place, without form, nothing, (thing of) nought, vain, vanity, waste, wilderness. |
bohuw, bo'-hoo, Hebrew 922; from an unused root (meaning to be empty); a vacuity, i.e. (superficially) an undistinguishable ruin :- emptiness, void. |
We are given the details of this destruction of the prehistoric age in the Book of Jeremiah, chapter 4: |
Jeremiah 4:19 My bowels, my bowels! I am pained at my very heart; my heart maketh a noise in me; I cannot hold my peace, because thou hast heard, O my soul, the sound of the trump, the alarm of war. |
"My bowels", if you care to look it up in Strong's, is figurative for "my heart". Our Father is very pained that He must do this to His children and His beautiful creation. |
Here's how Dr. Moffat translates verse 19: |
[19] "O my heart, my heart! it writhes! On how it throbs! My soul is moaning! I cannot hold my peace..." |
He anguished at the very thought of having to do the following: |
Jeremiah 4:20 Destruction upon destruction is cried; for the whole land is spoiled: suddenly are my tents spoiled, and my curtains in a moment. |
Ruin upon ruin, for the whole earth is ruined. SUDDENLY are my dwelling places ruined, and in an INSTANT all my shelters are torn down! |
[21] How long shall I see the standard, and hear the sound of the trumpet? |
He hated to do it! |
[22] For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. |
The word "sottish" means "stupid". Remember, this is our Father speaking! This is what He has to say about His children. Here is the N.A.S. version: |
[22] For my people are foolish, they know Me not; they are stupid children, and they have no understanding. They are shrewd to do evil, but to do good they do not know. |
Note: If you do have understanding then you will understand that this verse is also descriptive of His children in this final generation who have once again allowed Satan to establish his corrupt New World Order. More on this later. |
This next verse will document that the destruction God is referring to here in Jeremiah is the destruction of the entire earth, reduced to the EXACT same condition of "tohu va bohu" and "darkness" that we read of in Gen. 1:2, which we will parallel for emphasis. |
Jeremiah 4:23 I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form, and void; and the heavens, and they had no light. |
Genesis 1:2 And the earth became without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. |
We now continue to read the description of how the earth became "tohu va bohu". |
Jeremiah 4:24 I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they trembled, and all the hills moved lightly. |
The great earthquake shook the mountains and the hills were moved with ease. |
[25] I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were fled. |
Everyone was GONE, He took His sons away from their beautiful home, and everything else was turned upside down and completely destroyed. You can witness the remains of the prehistoric world, the world that then was, in the layers of the earths crust. |
Question? Have you ever read about or seen TV specials which speculate about a "Lost City of Atlantis"? Well, if you believe God's Word, then speculation is over for you. There WERE cities in the prehistoric age and the next verse documents it. |
[26] I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by his fierce anger. |
Who destroyed the prehistoric age and the dinosaurs and the cities and reduced the beautiful fruitful place to a wilderness? The LORD GOD destroyed it! Our Father wiped it all out and took it all away from us! And He destroyed it because of His fierce anger. He was very ANGRY with the evil caused by the Satan and his rebellion and the fact that His children in their STUPIDITY followed after that corrupt clown, Satan. |
Look around you today and you will see exactly the same thing happening. God's children are once again STUPIDLY following after EXACTLY the same "dung*" (Ezek. 4:12) from EXACTLY the same "man", Satan, the one who has been judged already to perish, i.e. the son of perdition. And most of them are SO STUPID (as God calls them) that they don't even know it! But THIS TIME they are going to LEARN so great a lesson that hopefully it will save their soul at the time of their judgment (and they will ALL be judged) from the same sentencing decreed upon Satan, which is to perish in the lake of fire and to be no more! |
The fact is if you don't eventually come to "believe in" (which means to do and follow) the Lord Jesus Christ, and His ways (not this religious "dung*", which fills up churchianity and breeds Biblically ignorant Christians (which is what stupidity is) and allows liberalism to flourish and bring about a New World Order) then you will perish as it is written in John 3:16. |
* I used the word "crap" in the last study which some folks don't think is a nice way for a Christian man to talk. So in this study I used the Biblical word "dung", which is a mild translation of the Hebrew word "tsowah". However, it seems to me that somehow, no matter what you call the stuff, it doesn't make it any prettier or make it smell any better! Besides, I've come a long way baby, as they say. I now say, "I don't give a crap" instead of how I used to say it. |
So just how swift and sudden was the destruction of the prehistoric age, the "world that then was"? It is evident that God literally knocked this earth off of its axis and out of its perfect orbit, because He created it perfect and we know it was a lush green "fruitful place" from the Arctic to the Antarctic (as evidenced by the mammoth discoveries we discussed), but now it tilts and it wobbles as it spins which is why magnetic north and true north do not perfectly align and we are left with a Magnetic Declination, as anyone who knows how to use a compass will tell you. Do a search on the internet on "magnetic declination". Here are two links to get you started http://www.brunton.com/decntion.htm http://www.cam.org/~gouletc/decl_faq.html |
The axis of the dipole is offset from the axis of the Earth's rotation by approximately 11 degrees. This means that the north and south geographic poles and the north and south magnetic poles are not located in the same place. |
Declination is simply the difference in degrees from Magnetic north and True relative north to your position. True NORTH (north & south poles) are the axis of the earth. The north and south poles are the starting and ending point of longitudinal lines that segment the earth. |
Because of this declination we also have what is called the "jet stream" which produces weather patterns and storms upon the earth that were not present in the once peaceful "world that then was". But our Father has also promised us that the earth will someday be restored and there will be a new heaven and a new earth age not be compared to this present one, the second one. You see, there are Three Earth Ages; 1.) the prehistoric age of the world that then was, 2.) the present one that we are in now, and 3.) the one to come following the Millennium. |
In our next study we will let the apostle Peter explain the three world ages to us and how people are "willingly" ignorant (stupid) about how the "world that then was" perished. Then we will go to Gen 1:3 and learn about the beginning of this current flesh age and how it applies to the glorious Plan of Salvation our Father has given to His children. How exciting the Word of God is. It is too bad it is not allowed in our public schools. His children really are STUPID, aren't they, when they expel God and truth from their children's schools and bring in Satan's crap to destroy them! |
It reminds me of the recent e-mail I received which showed a letter that a little girl wrote to God: |
Dear God, |
"Why didn't you save those kids at the Columbine school?" |
To which God replied: |
My dear child, |
"I am not allowed in school." |
Continue to part 5 |