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The Purpose of the Millennium and Satan's Loosening - the Big Reveal

July 21, 2023


Recently I was discussing the Millennial reign of Yahshua, as found in Rev. 20, with some associates and to say the least, we did not agree on much. Questions were raised such as: What is the purpose of the millennium? Why would Yahshua hand over His children to Satan again after He returns? etc. Then the next day, the Holy Spirit quickened in my spirit the reason for a millennial reign and the reason for loosening of Satan after that reign. After checking a few things out, I believe that the following is truth that was quickened in my spirit by the Holy Spirit. Hence, the subject of this post concerns Rev. 20:1-8, which reads: 

And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. [Rev 20:1 KJV]

And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, [Rev 20:2 KJV]

And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, untill the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he...


Tags: alan campbell ba, amillennialism, christian identity, great white throne judgment, judgment day, millennial reign, millennium, post millennialism

Posted at: 09:08 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Flat earth

July 6, 2023

There's a lot of hubbub going around these days about the flat earth.  Frankly I don't think it's worth causing division amongst our people. Just like our Faith we shouldn't expect others to believe as we do but Encourage people to study The word for themselves and decide what they believe. 

Notwithstanding, here is why I do not ascribe to a flat Earth. I find that the word tells us in 2 Peter 3: 5 "by the word of God the heavens that were of old and the Earth standing out of the Water And in the water."

 The Earth was "in the water" not the other way around. we all should know that a drop of water is not flat but spherical. the dry land is only 29% of the earth's surface. This is consistent with the dry land coming from the water.

 Isaiah 40:22 says "it is he that sitteth upon the circle of the Earth." The word circle in the Hebrew is hug and means circle, sphere, arch of the sky, vault (arched structure). 

This is a second witness in the world that the Earth is not flat but spherical.





Posted at: 07:19 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Father of Cain - Gen 4:1 Error in KJV Translation

June 6, 2023

Gen 4:1 Error in KJV Translation

It is well established that the original Hebrew texts were destroyed but that before they were destroyed, 7 members from each of the 10 tribes of Israel translated the Hebrew texts into Greek. Thus, the Greek version translated by these 70 israelites was called the Septuagint, which means 70. The Septuagint was then used to translate the text back into Hebrew.

In the Septuagint, the Greek words for Lord and God are translated as Kurious and Theos, respectively. In Hebrew, the words for Lord and God are translated as Yahweh and Elohim, respectively.  

(NOTE: I now contend the use of the word God and Lord are Hellenized terms and instead the name Yahweh should be used.)

It should be noted that Elohim is translated as angels or messengers, i.e. spiritual or interdimentional beings. Yahweh is Elohim, but is the supreme Elohim, who was the creator and ruler of the lesser elohim.

In this respect the words Yahweh and Kurios should be translated into English as "The Lord." Similarly, Theos and Elohim should be translated as "God." However, this distinction was not always practiced in the translations.

In particular, Genesis 4:1 in the Septuagint reads...


Tags: cain, cains father, genesis 4.1, genesis 4.1 translation error, serpent seed, translation error in genesis 4

Posted at: 08:45 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Fate of the Races

March 16, 2023

Please note I am not a pastor and present this exegisis as my scholarly opinion only.

When Yahshua returns does He destroy ALL men except for Israelites?

It is well established that the remnant of the woman's seed, as found in Gen. 3:15 and Rev. 12:17, are the Israelites. When the Israelites of old came out of captivity, they migrated north over the Caucasus mountains, settled throughout europe and were called Caucasians. These lost tribes of Israel have been found in the white race of Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Nordic and kindred people. 

It is also well established that the Israelites, consisting of the whole house of Israel including Judah, are the ones who are the children of the kingdom of Yahweh, discussed below. So what happens to the other races of people in the world when Yashua returns to establish His kingdom?

Consider the parable of the tares found in Matthew 13:

Tares among Wheat
24¶Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:
25But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
26But when the blade was sprung up,...


Tags: chosen ones, genesis, israelites, matthew 13, race, serpent seed, tares

Posted at: 04:23 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


July 17, 2022

Out of respect for a friend, I have been listening to his church's sessions on Zoom. This past week, they were teaching in Revelation based on their weekly reading and the Bible verses. It was good for the most part, comparing the beasts of Daniel with Revelation and how the beasts are a political power, a world system.

During this day's teaching, they said the end time beast is the “Anglo-American” beast referring to the UK and the US. One person even referred to the beast as Anglo-Saxon. What they failed to teach is that in Daniel the end time beast is DIVERSE. the Hebrew definition of "diverse" is:

  1. to change, be altered, be changed

    1. (P'al) to change, be changed

    2. (Pael) to change, transform, frustrate

      1. different (participle)

    3. (Ithpael) to be changed

    4. (Aphel) to change, alter

Here, “diverse” refers a different or changed appearance. 

In that most agree we are currently in the end time, we should see that the demographics of the last beast is an ethnically diverse one. It may have once been but currently the UK is not an anglo nation but a multicultural one. London, the largest city in the UK,  is one of the most ethnically diverse populations in the world. Hence, when the...


Tags: anglo-american, anglo-saxons, baphomet, beast, diverse, diversity, ezra 9, false teaching, forehead, image of the beast, israel identity, mark of the beast, mark on hand, multicultural, multiculturalism, race mixing, rev 1314, transgenderism, transgenders

Posted at: 01:38 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Law of War Manual - Revolutionary War - Armageddon

June 21, 2022

The below video is 107's explanation of the law of war manual that President Trump relied upon when deciding not to invoke the Insurrection Act.

Basically, the military is supposed to protect us from enemies outside our borders. The policing powers are supposed to protect us from internal threats like theft, murder, etc. Since Biden was inaugurated by Congress and the court, the policing powers cannot intervene upon discovery of a fraudulent election. Congress can act and the military can intervene if there was foreign interference in the election, which we now know there was. See 2000 mules.

There are 2 levels of military command. One is the troops and movement of them via the Pentagon. Then there is the air defense, nuclear missles, subs, etc., aspect of the military. Trump did not pass this 2nd level baton to Manchurian Biden because of evidence of foreign takeover of our governmen. The  law of war manual, Sec. 11.3, provides that a foreign enemy has one year to reveal itself before the military can take action against it. If it doesn't reveal itself, the foreign enemy is deemed a spy and the military can use its resources to combat the enemy. One year was up Jan. 20. 2022.



Tags: 107, 2000 mules, act of war, armageddon, cia, civil war, fraudulent election, hostile foreign enemy, insurrection act, juan o. savin, manchurian candidate, mi6, mousad, president trump, q, revolutionary war, takeover of u.s. government, trump

Posted at: 09:16 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

U.S. Government Takeover by Hostile Foreign Enemy

June 21, 2022

The U.S. government has been taken over by a hostile foreign enemy, according to Juan O. Savin, orchestrated by MI6, Mousad, and CIA, not by bullets or bombs but by digital bullets and bombs.

There is much evidence that there was foreign interference in our election, which was an act of war. See 2000 mules. Manchurian Biden is just a puppet , and and this foreign hostile enemy that has taken over our government can only be eliminated by military intervention.

Trump did not invoke the insurrection act because that would have led to Civil War, which is what the enemy wants--for us to kill ourselves -- because too many people voted for Biden and they would have perceived him as a tyrant. The U.S. populace must coalesce and support a revolutionary war by our military. We must have a consensus of the country, approx. 80+ %. in order to combat this hostile takeover. Juan O. Savin explains it very well in this video. I will also post a video by 107 explaining the Law of War Manual that sets forth the procedure for military intervention.

Tags: 107, 2000 mules, act of war, armageddon, cia, civil war, fraudulent election, hostile foreign enemy, insurrection act, juan o. savin, manchurian candidate, mi6, mousad, president trump, q, revolutionary war, takeover of u.s. government, trump

Posted at: 09:00 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Rapture or Harvest?

June 13, 2022

1Th 4:17 (KJV) — Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Yahshua in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Yahshua.

As found here, there is no valid support for a pre trib rapture.  The closest thing to any sort of rapture is found in 1 Th 4:17 above,  which in essence is a transfiguration from our mortal physical bodies into an immortal celestial body.  Because this occurs at the end of this present 2nd Earth age, it will happen most likely during the Ezekiel 38 battle of Armageddon.

The battle of Armageddon is not a battle of US, British and Canadian forces et al.,  against Chinese and/or Russian forces, but will actually be a battle of the fallen angels that were cast to the Earth, as found in Rev 12:7 - 9,  against Yahweh's angels, who come to save Yahweh's creation from the attempted destruction by the wicked ones, tares, during the great tribulation.

When the  Battle of Armageddon occurs, Yahweh's angels, the "reapers", protect His creation during this Harvest season.

Mat 13:30 : ... and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye...


Tags: 1 th 417, armageddon, bible prophecy, children of the wicked one, end times, ezekiel 38, harvest, last days, mat 1330, rapture, rev. 12, serpent seed, tares

Posted at: 07:44 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Alien Transgender Agenda

October 6, 2019

What do you make of this post on: by Rob H January 21, 2018 at 11:30 AM, which reads in part:

Wipe out the great deception in the four directions. Every way we look we are being deceived by the globalist agenda for the end times. Every one on media is a transgender androgynous person, every thing they lead us to is blasphemy of source and corruption of what is real. Everything they teach us about this plane is a lie. It's everywhere, even here these false beliefs are present  ... 

Donald trump is a transgender master of ceremonies. His daughter, wife, son in law, and his miss universe pageant are all trannies. He is the one put in place to further the androgyne agenda. Every major female star in Hollywood is a cross dressing man or post op transsexual. This is a real war to invert the sex of the world to control population and reproduction into cloning facilities. Almost All first ladies of presidents were cross dressers. Even the government men cross dress for their secret masonic parties. All the governor's of Europe are drag queens. It is everywhere at the top you see...


Tags: alien agenda, androgyne, androgynous, androgyny, ascension, cross-dressing, david wilcock, drag queens, elizabeth wilcock, freemasons, illuminati, kaballah, luciferians, masons, noahide law, satanism, talmud, transgenders

Posted at: 10:20 AM | 2 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Evidence Britons Were In The US In The 6th Century

December 13, 2017


Evidence Britons Were In The
US In The 6th Century
By Tim Matthews
"It's proof of Prince Madoc in America circa 560," say leading British and US historians.
A team of leading independent historians and researchers announced today that Radio Carbon dating evidence, and the discovery of ancient British style artefacts and inscriptions in the American Midwest, provided, "the strongest indications yet" that British explorers, under the Prince Madoc ap Meurig, arrived in the country during the 6th Century and set up colonies there.
Research team members have known the location of burial sites of Madoc's close relatives in Wales for some time, it emerged today; they have decided to break their self-imposed silence in order that their research be fully known and understood. DNA evidence could provide vital new leads, they say.
"We have a mass of remarkable evidence," said British historian Alan Wilson, who has been working with Jim Michael of the Ancient Kentucke Historical Association since 1989. "As experts in ancient British history, we were approached by Jim and visited locations in the Mid West with him," he added.
Many of the grave mounds found in the...

Tags: 6th century, america, brittons, us

Posted at: 06:39 PM | 1 Comment | Add Comment | Permalink

Seven Candlestick/Churches

November 26, 2017

The 7 churches (candlesticks) found in Revelation 2 & 3 are representative of ALL the Israelite churches in the world.

Only 2 of the 7 churches were without fault. Yahweh found fault with the other 5 churches but not Smyrna and Philadelphia. These 2 churches had something in common:

they know about the JEWS that call themselves JEWS  but are NOT (Judah), but are of the SYNAGOGUES of Satan. Rev 2:9 and 3:9

The true Israelites are the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Nordic, and kindred peoples who have kept the testimony and spread of the gospel of Yahshua Messiah throughout history.  See Rev. 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman (Mother of the 12 tribes of Israel), and went to make war with the REMNANT of her SEEDD, which keep the commandments of Yahweh, and have the testimony of Yahshua Messiah.

Most Israelites believe (brainwashed) that the contemporary Jews are the “chosen ones” i.e., the bride of Yahshua, but in truth, they are not!

People need “crumbs” because they need to be eased into learning the truth  and are VERY reluctant to go against their preachers and pastors and priests.

As a side note, the Israelites were instructed NOT to...


Tags: revelation 29, revelation 39

Posted at: 03:30 PM | 2 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

My perception of the mass shooting in Las Vegas

October 8, 2017

People who had contact with Steve Paddock, specifically Vegas Casino owner Steve Wynn, said Paddock seemed perfectly rational, had a vanilla profile and was a "modest gambler" that lived in Vegas since 2006. He paid all his bills. He never caused any trouble. And, he never ever imbibed, no alcohol of any kind.

A person who never drinks is usually one who has devout religious convictions. But devout believers also do not usually gamble. Another reason for abstaining from alcohol is that it may interfere with medications, especially psychiatric medicine.

Paddock purportedly made $5M from gambling last year. That is no “modest gambler”.  In order to make that kind of money, he either had help, i.e. rigged machines, or he was under mind control to the extent that he had a photographic memory and was able to easily win at high stakes poker games.

Being under mind control would explain the use of psychiatric medication and not drinking alcohol. If he was under mind control, it was for a purpose and he carried out that purpose.  He apparently was "triggered" to shoot down the crowd with his automatic machine gun(s).

What was the purpose of having Paddock shoot down a crowd? To accomplish exactly what...


Tags: alinsky, deep state, disarming americans, gun control, illuminati, las vegas shooting, mind control, paddock

Posted at: 04:06 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Sometimes They Come Back by Cam Rea

June 27, 2017

Sometimes They Come Back

An Investigative look into the Assyrian invasion and deportation of the Ten Tribes of Israel. 
by Cam Rea

O, Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation. (Isaiah 10:5)
Not a bad way to start an introduction. This article you are about to read is based mainly on the Histories of Assyria, and Israel, from the mid 8th to the 7th century BC. What this article will provide is a better understanding of the political and spiritual issues, that are associated with Assyria and Israel. As
 well as the social issues concerning the deportation of the Ten Tribes of Israel. We will discuss Assyria's policy towards captives. We shall also look into where the Ten Tribes were placed, and take a look at the regions they were placed in. I will try to provide the best answers for this topic you are about to read. I also want to point out that there is many facts in this article, and just as many speculations. Not everything in this article should be considered factual. Remember we are dealing with a history that at times appears to be silent. I...


Tags: assyria, cam rea, lost tribes of israel, syria

Posted at: 09:12 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

The Key of David

August 7, 2014




The first mention in the word about the Key of the House of David is found in Isaiah 22:


22 And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open. 


This key opened the Holy Tabernacle where the Ark of the Covenant resided. Only the Levitical priests were allowed to enter the Holy of Holies where they would receive the word from YHVH and then take the word to the rest of the tribes of Israel. After Yahshua died on the cross, the veil was lifted so that those with Yahshua indwelling in their spirit have the word written in their hearts so they can now hear directly from YHVH. 


The question remains then, if the key to the Holy Tabernacle is no longer needed, why is the the Key of David still referred to in the Book of Revelation? Simply put, it is the key that unlocks the door to understanding the scriptures. Even though we may hear directly from YHVH and have His witten word, we might still not understand everything if we do not have the...


Tags: abrahamic covenant, church of philadelphia, church of smyrna, john 844, key of david, seedline of abraham isaac jacob, seedline of cain

Posted at: 08:23 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink


July 6, 2014

Racial Foundation of Adamites

It is believed that the Adamic race is only little over 6000 years old while other races such as the Chinese and Negroid races may be much older. The Adamites appeared suddenly and had a high degree of civilization such as knowledge of math, astronomy and the ability to write. See Tracing Our Ancestors, by Frederick Haberman.

Adam means “ruddy”, which is indicative of his complexion, i.e., a complexion that shows blood in the face (to blush). Only the Caucasion race has this ability to show blood in the face.

Adam begat Abel and Cain but Cain slew Abel. Adam subsequently begat Seth. Gen 5:3.From Seth the Adamic race spread throughout the land. Seth begat Enos. Gen 5:6. Enos begat Cainan. Gen 5:10. Cainan begat Mahalaleel. Gen 5:12. Mahalaleel begat begat Jared. Gen 5:16. Jared begat Enoch. Gen 5:18. Enoch begat Methuselah. Gen 5:22. Methuselah begat Lamech. Gen. 5:25. And Lamech begat Noah. Gen. 5:29.

Noah was described in the book on Enoch white as snow, red as a blooming rose.

1. And after some days my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became pregnant by him and bore a...


Tags: caucasian, israelidentity, isralietes, noah, shem, white race supremacists

Posted at: 01:27 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Why did YHVH require blood sacrifices?

June 2, 2013

It doesn't seem very merciful of Yo require a blood sacrifice to forgive sins. What is the purpose of that? Isn't there some other way besides the shedding of blood in order to forgive sins?

I submit there is nothing in the chemical composition of the blood that is necessary for the propitiation of sin. Rather it is the willingness to sacrifice a living being that is key.

The Bible says that the greatest love one can show is to lay down their life for another.

Jhn 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Yahshua laid down his life for his children because he loves them so much he was willing to die for them. Likewise YHVH wants us to love him to the extent that we would be willing to lay down our life for him.

Jhn 13:38 Yahshua answered him, Wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake?

 YHVH has not always required a human sacrifice for us to show our love for him. Prior to Yahshua man was required to sacrifice animals. Our willingness to give our first and best of our flock to YHVH was sufficient.

Cain was unwilling...


Tags: blood sacrifice, israeliteidentity, yahshua, yahweh, yhvh

Posted at: 06:36 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Israel Identity attracts Intellectuals and High Achievers

May 19, 2012

In looking over the information posted on Wikipedia about Israelite Identity, it occurred to me that many of the founders and promoters of the Identity movement were prominent people and highly intellectual.  Here are some quotes: 

"[Israelite] Identity (CI) has first been traced back to the 1920s to Howard Rand (1889–1991).[14][15]  Rand was a Massachusetts lawyer who obtained a law degree at the University of Maine."

Lawyers are taught to think logically and prove their cases with evidence.  Law schools teach that lawyers are smarter than those of other professions because it is a "thinking and reasoning" profession.  Because Israelite Identity is proven by evdience from the scriptures, whereas other religions rely on questionable and often contradictory interpretations, Identity attracts highly intellectual people because it is based on a logical, reasonable and actual interpretation of scripture.  Students of I Identity are taught to look up the definitions of the original languages when interpreting scritpure, and consider the Greek and Hebrew manuscripts.

Another leading figure in identity is Bertrand Comparet (1901–1983)[26]  who was a lawyer graduating from Stanford University with the degree of Bachelor of Arts and Jurist Doctor. He was admitted to the California Supreme Court or California Bar in 1926...


Tags: intellectuals, israel identity, lawyers, thinkers, unconventional

Posted at: 08:27 PM | 2 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

The Chosen Ones Part 3

February 18, 2012

The various books contained in the Bible frequently make reference to "twos".  We have two witnesses, two candlesticks, two olive trees, two deaths, two lights, two prophets, two-edged sword, two beasts of Revelation, etc.  There are also two end time fires -- one when Yahshua returns and one on Judgment Day.

When looking at the fire YHVH used to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah,  we see that this fire served two purposes.  First, it purified the land and second, it destroyed the evil.  Actually these two purposes are interrelated for by destroying the evil in the land, the land would be purified at least of evil people.  But that fire destroyed more than just people. It destroyed the entire cities, buildings and all.  To my knowledge there have been no archeological ruins uncovering the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

When Yahshua returns, He brings a fire that will burn up the heavens and earth, and likewise purify it, because fire is a refining element.

But the day of Messiah will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be...


Tags: furnace of fire, judgment day, lake of fire, refiners fire

Posted at: 02:20 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

The Chosen, Part II

February 11, 2012

In the last post, we learned that there were 3 earth ages, that our souls were created in the first earth age, the first earth age was destroyed because iniquity was found in YHVH's creation, and that that to be saved, one must be "born from above" meaning to be born from a sack of water from a woman's womb. 


We also learned that there were some angelic beings, particularly the dragon, that did not want to be born from water but came to earth and took Adamic women to wife, which resulted in hybrid beings called nephilim and that they are bound in "chains of darkness" beneath the earth. Yahshua told those who descended from these fallen angels, specifically the Pharisees, that they were "from beneath" and could not enter heaven.  

Finally we learned that there were angels that fought against the dragon and that these were the "chosen ones" because they proved their loyalty to YHVH in that first earth age.  But what about those that neither sided with the dragon or fought against him?

The angelic beings who neither sided with Satan nor sided with YHVH have yet to prove their loyalty so that they would...


Tags: 2 fires, allosgenos, lake of fire, malachi 41, other races, serpent seed, two fires

Posted at: 12:27 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

The Chosen Ones

January 27, 2012

In the various Israel Identity camps, we find a lot of different views and interpretations of scripture and doctrine.  This is what distinguishes it from a cult because in a cult, there is typically one leader that all of the members in the cult follow. That leader determines what doctrine the cult will follow, what interpretations are acceptable and so on.   

But in Israel Identity, there is no one leader, no central church headquarters for determining what doctrine will be accepted, etc.  As a result, various interpretations of scripture arise amongst Israel Identity adherents.  For example, some  in Israel Identity do not believe in a literal Satan while others believe Satan, aka the Serpent, seduced and impregnated Eve, who bore Cain, (Gen. 3_13-15) and that Cain was “of that wicked one” (1 John 3:1).


However, all Identity adherents agree upon the identification of the Israelites.  All in Israel Identists believe the Israelites are the Anglo-Saxon and kindred people of the world, found only in the Caucasian race.  They are those who keep the commandments and the testimony of Yahshuah the Messiah.  See Rev. 12:17. 

In that most mainstream Christian religions teach that the Jews are the Israelites, it is common knowledge that the Jews don't keep the testimony of but rejected Yahshuah...


Tags: 3 earth ages, before the foundation of the word, born from above, born from beneath, enoch, fallen angels, kenites, non-israelites, tares

Posted at: 02:20 PM | 1 Comment | Add Comment | Permalink

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