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Israyl Identity

This site is dedicated to the tenets of Israyl Identity and for the study of our Father's Word.  It is a place for the regathering of lost sheep of the Houses of Israyl and Judah, known as the Israylites

To see why we say Yahweh instead of God or Lord, and Yahshua Messiah instead of Jesus Christ, please see Who Is Lord God, Who Is Baal, audio version Who is Lord God Who is Baal, pt. 1Who is Lord God, Who is Baal, pt. 2


Overview of Basic Beliefs

We believe the Israylites of the Bible are the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Nordic and kindred peoples of the world and are the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as evidenced by, inter alia, the Armana, cuneform and Assyrian tablets. See E. Raymond Capt's book, Missing Links Discovered in the Assyrian Tablets. As the physical descendants of Abraham, Israylites are the recipients of the Abrahamic Covenant and covenant blessings promised to Abraham's seed via his wife Sarah (Gen 17).

Proof in the Word that the Caucasian people are the Isratlites is found in Rev. 12:17, where it states, "the remnant of the woman's seed (Israyl) are those that keep the commandments AND the testimony of Yahshua Messiah;. While some Jews may keep the commandments, most do not keep the testimony of Yahshua Messiah and therefore cannot be the Israylites.  Only the Israylites keep both for they are those that Yahshua spoke of when He said, "my sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me" (John 10:27).

"Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an Ancient Israylite a 'Jew'..." Quote from the Jewish Almanac


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You may also want to see this bot that will quote the Septuagint and New Testament (KJV). Just type in the first three letters of the book name and then the chapter and verse, for example, Isa 43 20 to retrieve verses.

Purelily Identity bot


Come Out of Her My People Rev. 18:4

We also believe there is "a narrow way" that few find, Mat 7:14. In that Christianity is the largest religion on earth with over 3 billion adherents, this can NOT be the "narrow way" but is the broad way and is the "falling away" that Paul warns us about in 2 Thes. 2. Paul warns us of the "strong delusion" wherein the "whole world" is deceived and that those who follow the broad way of Christianity will be "damned", i.e., cursed. 2 Thes. 2:11-12

Historicism Eschatology

History reveals that nearly all of the prophesies of Revelation have been fulfilled. We believe that the return of Yahshua Messiah and his millennial kingdom is imminent. See Why We Believe In The Millennium by Alan Campbell. Audio version Why We Believe in a Millennium 

Click on this RUMBLE link to see my LilyofVallie Telegram Livestreams with Bro. Rick of yliyahmessagetime

Also join our Telegram channel to obtain future livestream info: https://t.me/lilyofvallie

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